Lucy is somewhere close to 8 years old. She is solid black with a white swoosh on her chest. The vet said she has some Siamese in her; she’s quite the talker. She weighs 11 pounds and is in good shape. She enjoys time outside; as she’s getting older she pretty much just hangs out. She loves to lounge. She also loves to drink water out of the bathroom faucet and likes to hang out with you in the bathroom during showers, baths or anything else. Lucy and Emma still enjoy showers from time-to-time with a good bit of noise and purrs. Lucy will get loud and growl but purrs while she’s doing it. She’s a real pushover and she’s wonderful with babies and kids.
Emma is 5-6 years old. She is a small Siamese, crossed eyes and all. She, on the other hand, is pretty quiet with a sweet soft voice unless it’s time to eat, something she loves. For a small cat, she can pack it in. Emma is not a real outdoor cat but will occasionally wander outside. She’s a big napper. She likes to nap on the back of chairs or any cubbyhole she can find. She’s really cute!
Both of these guys are pretty laid back. They eat wet food twice a day and split a half (1/4 each) of can of Friskies Select in the morning and then again in the evening. They also have a small bowl of Science Diet dried food out all the time. Lucy may eat a bit of the wet food and then come back later if there is anything left after Emma gets done. They both love sunbeams and the being out on the patio. Like most cats, show them the litter boxes once then they’re good. They are fine with alone time but really enjoy seeing their human friends and are appreciative of the companionship. If you know of anyone who would be interested in either of these two kitties please feel free to e mail me at dougancil@yahoo.com
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